Research Opportunities

Research Opportunities- Students engaged in class, lab and presenting research

The Office of Undergraduate Research identifies and develops research opportunities for CSUDH students on campus and at other institutions, during the academic year as well for summer research experiences. If you’re interested in doing research, the best place to start is to talk to your instructors! They are the disciplinary experts in their fields, and often can provide specialized guidance that is specific to your major. If you have questions about finding research opportunities, ask us! Our email is CSUDH is supported by a breadth of research programs that are specifically designed to help undergraduates succeed in research and help them transition towards graduate school. Below are programs currently operating on and off campus, many of which work closely with the Office of Undergraduate Research. You may learn more about the eligibility and requirement of the programs using the links below.

Cal-Bridge Logo


This program provides research opportunities and support for  Physics and  Computer Science majors who are planning to enter a PhD program.


COAST Undergraduate Student Research Support Program

We are happy to announce that applications are now being accepted for the 2023/2024 COAST Undergraduate Student Research Support Program.  The CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science and Technology (COAST) is the umbrella organization for marine and coastal-related activities within the CSU. COAST promotes research and education to advance our knowledge of natural marine and coastal resources and the processes that affect them. COAST encourages all types of research and other activities that relate to the open and coastal ocean, coastal zones (bays, estuaries, beaches), and coastal watersheds to the extent that the organisms, material or process ultimately articulates with the coast.  Work supported by COAST is not limited to research in California.

COAST created the Undergraduate Student Research Support Program to provide funding to every campus in the CSU to support undergraduate student participation in faculty-mentored marine, coastal and coastal watershed research. The goal of this program is to engage students interested in pursuing marine-related careers and provide them with the opportunity to obtain the skills necessary to join a highly skilled, technologically advanced workforce while promoting and supporting CSU faculty research. 

Application instructions and details about the COAST Undergraduate Student Research Support Program can be found in the attached document. Please disperse widely to all CSUDH faculty and students that may be interested!

COAST UR Application and Instructions

The application deadline is December 15th, 2023.

 Please contact Dr. Charlene McCord ( or Dr. Samantha Leigh ( with any questions, comments, or concerns about this program, or COAST.


LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation)

This program is provides funding for research supplies and travel, and workshops, for undergraduates interested in a research career in STEM.

McNair Logo

McNair Scholars Program

This program provides a stipend, and funding for supplies, travel, and supports students who are planning to pursue a PhD.

Mellon Mays Logo

Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program

This is a program fellowship support for students who intend to enroll in a PhD program in the humanities and social sciences (eligible majors: Africana Studies Anthropology, Art History, Chicano/a Studies, Communications, English, History, Interdisciplinary Studies, Spanish, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Sociology).


U-RISE (Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement - T34)

This 2-year, honors-level, student research program provides paid hands-on research opportunities with faculty mentors at CSUDH, the Lundquist Institute and Charles Drew University. Funding support includes a monthly stipend, travel to research conferences, laboratories supplies, enrichment activities, graduate school preparation, summer research experiences, and up to 60% of paid tuition and fees to support students who intend to pursue a PhD in biomedical or behavioral sciences.


RISE (Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement - R25)

This student research program provides paid hands-on research opportunities with faculty mentors at CSUDH, the Lundquist Institute and Charles Drew University. Funding support includes hourly wages year round, travel, laboratories supplies, enrichment activities, graduate school preparation, and summer research experiences to support students who intend to pursue a PhD in biomedical or behavioral sciences.


U-GROW: Undergraduates Gaining Research Opportunities for the Cancer Workforce

Introducing U-GROW: Research education boot camp, paid summer internship & proseminar with poster session, and year-round mentoring with scientific communications instruction

U-GROW (Undergraduates Gaining Research Opportunities for the Cancer Workforce) is a partnership between Cedars-Sinai Cancer Center in Los Angeles and eight greater Los Angeles-area campuses of the California State University system. We are an undergraduate research education program whose goal is to diversify the public health workforce. Through internships at Cedars-Sinai Cancer and mentorship and training from Cedars-Sinai and CSU faculty, we prepare promising college students from communities disproportionately affected by cancer health disparities for research careers that promote health equity.

Want to learn more or to apply? 

Please read the attached PDF, which outlines the program components, time expectations, and links to the application, and mark the following dates on your calendar. You can join our mailing list here or follow us on Instagram (@ugrow_publichealth) or LinkedIn ( for updates. 

Still have questions?

Email U-GROW Program Director Darrah Kuratani, Ph.D., MPH, at 

STEM Advantage Logo

STEM Advantage

This program mentors, prepares and inspires women and underserved communities to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) through a 360-degree program that includes help finding a paid internship, a mentor, scholarships, professional development workshops/webinars and events to build community. This program is offered to STEM students attending one of the six CSU campuses, including Cal State Dominguez Hills.

CDU Logo

SART (Substance Abuse Disorders Research Training)

SART Brochure

A training program designed to advance substance abuse research skills and to reduce health disparities in substance use disorders and addiction.  SART is for Pre-professional trainees (undergraduates, master’s students, and post-baccalaureate; early-stage) from academic programs at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science (CDU) or California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) that require a thesis.

Please note that many of these research opportunities are federally funded, and hence support is limited for those who are not US citizens or permanent residents. If you are not eligible for these kinds of support, there still are options available to you and our office is committed to providing access to research opportunities. If you are undocumented and in STEM, please see this list of summer research opportunities that are available to you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us about your options.